55 Paseo De Roxas Makati City
The most valuable asset in Kickstart - our fridge - just got restocked!
What a perfect occasion to invite again the local Startup scene for a drink or two :)
We also got a few guests from Dropbox in town and they are very keen to meet you folks.
The event will take place in Kickstart@Paseo (for details check http://goo.gl/maps/bGBdO) from 6:30pm to 11pm.
Sign up now and mingle with like-minded founders & Startup folks.
Again: April 24, 6:30PM , Kickstart@Paseo
Kickstart Ventures is the wholly-owned corporate venture capital firm of Globe Telecom, the Philippines’ leading mobile operator. Kickstart invests in early- to early-growth stage tech startups glo...