Kickstart Investment/Workspace
55 Paseo de Roxas, Urdaneta Village, Makati City
We all know marketing is essential for all businesses, but it's even more important for startups.
As startup founders and entrepreneurs are figuring out the scalability, repeatability, and profitability of their businesses, what role does marketing play? More importantly, how should a startup -- with less the breadth and depth of marketing resources large corporations pour into their brands -- compete for customer attention and share of wallet?
Join our Raid The Fridge this month, October 25th, and listen to our guest speaker LEIGH REYES, MullenLowe Philippines president and chief creative officer, share her thoughts on the topic.
Why Attend?
Leigh is no stranger to the #startupPH community: as co-founder of MobileMonday Manila, which was bringing together the local mobile industry visionaries, developers, and influentials waaaaaay ahead of the 1st-ever edition of Startup Weekend Manila in October 2011, she understands digital tech + entrepreneurs = startups. She is an OG member of the #startupPH community!
So come to Raid The Fridge and be part of the conversation: bring your questions, seek answers or advice around marketing for startups!
And yes, don't forget to help us empty our fridge: make new friends, reconnect with old friends, and swap #startupPH stories over beers.
Your Fridgemaster,
PIA BERNAL | Kickstart Community Manager
About our Speaker
President & Chief Executive Officer, MullenLowe Philippines
Leigh is the President and Chief Creative Officer of MullenLowe Philippines and entered the Creative Guild Hall of Fame in 2015. Winner of the country’s first gold Clio, she has received awards at Cannes, D&AD, One Show, Clio, Art Directors’ Club, Spikes, Asia-Pacific AdFest, New York Festivals, LIA, Asian Marketing Effectiveness and Strategy Awards, Digital Media Asia, and others. She has served on the juries of Cannes Lions, New York Festivals, Art Directors' Club, Clio, LIA, AdFest, Spikes, Startup Weekend, the Boomerang Awards, and more.
She was elected to the Board of Directors of the Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines (IMMAP) in 2016 and 2017. For 2018, she was elected to a two-year term. She served as Co-Chair of the recently-concluded IMMAP DigiCon XE 2018, the country's premier digital marketing and advertising conference.
Leigh was a founding member of MobileMonday Manila, an open community platform that brings together mobile visionaries, developers and enthusiasts.
She has writer credits in the current virtual reality diorama experiences at the Ayala Museum, Rizal VR: The Future of History, and The Emergence of the Filipino Nation.
As @leighpod, she is a content creator with a growing, engaged online audience. Her YouTube channel has over 6,000 subscribers and over 1.5 million views. She interacts on Twitter, Instagram, and Medium with thousands of people with shared interests in art, writing instruments, technology, and culture. Her latest adventure is A Year of Creativity on Anchor, a startup aiming to reinvent radio.
6:30 pm - Registration/doors are opened to guests. Networking over beers kicks-off | 7:50 pm - Guests are notified that talks will begin shortly and are encouraged to go indoors where the program is held | 8:00 pm - Start of program | 9:30 pm - End of program and networking resumes | 11:00 pm - Networking ends, guests leave the venue.
Raid The Fridge is the signature networking event of Kickstart Ventures for the #startupPH community -- first held in August 2012, Raid The Fridge is held every last Thursday of the month except December. Today, it is the longest-recurring startup mixer in the Philippines and it is brought to you in partnership with YouthHack Manila, a community of student startup organisations united by their advocacy to expose the youth to startups, technology, and entrepreneurship. | | @YouthHack
Kickstart Ventures is the wholly-owned corporate venture capital firm of Globe Telecom, the Philippines’ leading mobile operator. Kickstart invests in early- to early-growth stage tech startups glo...